The Network
Our Network
A Grassroots Community Woodland Network for Wales
Llais y Goedwig was formed in 2008 by a collective of Community Woodland groups who realised that by working together their impact, potential to advocate for Community Woodland at all levels and their ‘voice’ would be much greater – hence Llais y Goedwig which literally translated means ‘voice of the woodlands’. We continue to be steered by a volunteer board made up of CWG members and supporters and continue to adhere to the original LlyG ethos of responding to the needs and direction of our members.
From an unincorporated association of 18 members in 2008, and with secretariat support from Coed Lleol, Llais y Goedwig held its first AGM and conference in 2009 and was incorporated as a Company Limited by guarantee with non-profit distributing status in 2010 with twenty-one members. Llais y Goedwig now has over 100 members across Wales.
Llais y Goedwig has two simple aims:
- To promote and represent community woodland groups (CWGs) in Wales.
- To provide assistance and support to local community woodland groups and initiatives.
To achieve these aims we seek to:
- Support NETWORKING in order to share knowledge and experience between community woodland groups and other partners.
- Develop RESOURCES to meet CWG needs, including advice, publications, signposting, case studies.
- Raise the PROFILE of CWGs within the wider woodland community and with the general public.
- Engage in DIALOGUE with policy makers to bring about greater engagement and support for community involvement with woodlands at all levels.
Support for growing the network
Since 2008 Llais y Goedwig has received support and funding from Environment Wales, Forestry Commission Wales, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Government Core Funding, EU funds, the WG Enabling Natural Resources and Wellbeing Grant, and the Rural Development Programme in Wales.
We continue to be involved in projects, partnerships and research programmes that provide opportunities for Community Woodland Groups to grow and develop – making sure that Community management of woodlands becomes and stays an established part of the forestry sector in Wales.