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Tag: members

NEWS: Gwerin Growers

Communities in south Powys offered mini tree nurseries for growing trees.

Do you want to do something practical to help nature locally?

Gwerin Growers grow trees to be used in local planting projects.  We provide the kit, the tree seeds or seedlings, training in how to look after the trees, and support from a local project officer.  

You will need space for a 1m x 1m growing bed, in your garden, grounds or allotment.   Once the trees are a year old we can collectively supply local projects with home grown Welsh provenance trees nurtured by you.

NEWS: Last Chance to complete Members Poll

What are your priorities for Llais y Goedwig support?

Llais y Goedwig is an organisation led by it’s members and for the team to understand what our membership feels would best support their groups we have been running a poll for the past month.

If you are a Llais y Goedwig community woodland member you will have received an email from us with the details on how to take part.

We will be closing the poll at the end of the week so if you haven’t had a chance to complete it yet – now is the time !

The poll takes a couple of minutes of your time and would help our team (and you) plan funding and support.

Here are the links to the poll in English and Cymraeg. Diolch / Thanks




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