The online platform for woodland products and services
CoedNet – is an online directory of sustainable Welsh woodland enterprises and products.
It was developed after research found that many community woodland groups had products or services to sell, but didn’t know how to promote them. There was nowhere online buyers could go to find producers of local, sustainable woodland products or services.
CoedNet is that place.
This isn’t just about woodland products. CoedNet isn’t only for woodland products – services and experiences too, like forest schools, wood milling or courses in the woods, all qualify.
How do I Join?
A standard listing page on the site is completely free, so you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a go!
There is an option to upgrade to get an enhanced listing, contact us for more details.
Sustainable Ethos
As part of our commitment to sustainability we ask that all businesses who join the platform agree to our sustainability statement – so your business/enterprise is committed to sustainability and has appropriate policies and plans in place.
If you would like to join this fantastic community of sustainable sellers of woodland products and services then simply fill in the online form here, and send photos by email (instructions on the form).
If you’d like to know more first, then please do email gftw@llaisygowedwig.org.uk.
Coednet – an online woodland products platform from Llais y Goedwig