EVENT: Skills Sharing – Woodland Management for Social Forestry
9th and 17th August at the Woodland Skills Centre
15 places available on each day
Woodland Skills Centre is a community-owned, not-for-profit Social Enterprise which has a 50 acre site in the heart of the Clwydian Range AONB. There are 40 acres of woodland managed for social, environmental and economic benefit, workshops, Centre buildings, Forest School sites, tree nursery, polytunnels, apiary, wildflower meadow, heritage orchard, allotments and medicinal herb garden. The Centre runs courses in traditional crafts, countryside management, bushcraft and mindfulness, works with schools, runs family events and has a wide-ranging Social Prescribing programme.
The day events for Llais y Goedwig members will look at trees – identification, propagation, uses of timber, place in the ecosystem, edibility and toxicity, look at the woodland management plan and how it seeks to achieve its objectives and look at how social benefit is delivered by various means including the Social Prescribing programme.
The day will run from 10.00 until 15.00. drinks will be provided but please bring your own lunch. If you re travelling some distance for the event, it may be possible to arrange camping overnight on the 8th or 16th August so you’re ready to start bright and early on the day of the event. Please indicate when booking if you would be interested in camping overnight and we’ll be in touch to discuss cost etc.
This course will be held outside and follow covid precautions in line with government guidelines.
Places are limited, please book early (see booking details at the top of the page).