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Cylchlythyr / Newsletter #15

Rhyagfyr 2020

December 2020

Mae’r gaeaf wirioneddol wedi’n cyrraedd ni, gydag eira mân ar dir uchel. Drwy’r goedwig mae disgleirdeb porffor brigau’r fedwen, gwyrdd tywyll yr ywen, a llewyrch coch aeron celyn mor Nadoligaidd ag unrhyw dinsel neu addurniadau siop.

Rydym ni’n dal i deimlo cynhesrwydd Cyfarfod coetiroedd cymunedol eleni, a gafodd ei gynnal yn rhithiol am y tro cyntaf. Cawsom dri diwrnod gwych o sgyrsiau, trafodaethau ac arddangosfeydd yn seiliedig ar bynciau yn amrywio o gynhyrchion coetir gwyllt i’r argyfwng hinsawdd, gyda dros 240 o bobl yn cymryd rhan. Cafwyd teimlad o gydweithio a chydgefnogaeth drwy’r cyfnodau anodd hyn.

Os ydych yn aelod o Llais y Goedwig, eich cylchlythyr chi yw hwn! Cysylltwch os oes gennych unrhyw beth yr hoffech ei weld yn cael ei gynnwys.

Winter is well and truly here, with a dusting of snow on high ground. Through the woods the purple shimmer of birch twigs, the deep green of the yew, and the red shine of the holly berries are just as festive as any tinsel or shop decor.

We’re still feeling a warm glow from this years community woodland Gathering, which for the first time we held virtually. We had a fantastic three days of talks, discussions and demonstrations on topics ranging from wild woodland products to the climate emergency with over 240 people taking part. There was a real feeling of cooperation and mutual support through these difficult times.  

If you’re a member of Llais y Goedwig this is your Newsletter! Contact us if you have anything you want to be featured. 

Cyfarfod Llais y Goedwig 2020 – Adroddiad
Cewch wybod am gyfarfod coetiroedd cymunedol eleni, yn llawn dolenni a chysylltiadau defnyddiol, yn ogystal â ffocws ar yr hyn a ddysgom, a sut ydym am ymdrin â’r materion, syniadau a’r blaenoriaethau a gododd.

Mae hyn wedi’n hannog ni i ail-animeiddio ein sianel YouTube ‘Voice of the Woodlands’, ac rydym wrthi’n brysur yn uwchlwytho detholiadau o’r Cyfarfod.

Safleoedd cyntaf wedi’u cyhoeddi ar gyfer y Fforest Genedlaethol“Ymhlith y coetiroedd gorau yng Nghymru”
Mae’n wych bod coetiroedd cymunedol Coed y Bont a  Choetir Ysbryd Llynfi wedi’u dewis i fod yn rhan o’r Fforest Genedlaethol. Bydd rhagor o gyfleoedd i gymryd rhan, ac i ddyfynnu Iolo Williams “Dyma fydd ein Fforest Genedlaethol – hoffwn annog pawb sydd â diddordeb i fod yn rhan o greu hyn wrth i’r prosiect fynd yn ei flaen.” 

Coed Blaenwern
Mae Coed Cadw yn gwahodd y gymuned leol i fabwysiadu coedwig ar gyrion Llanbedr Pont Steffan: cyfle i grŵp coetir cymunedol reoli eu coetir eu hunain er budd pobl a bywyd gwyllt.

Llais y Goedwig Gathering 2020 – Report 
Find out about this years community woodland gathering, packed with useful links and contacts, plus a focus on what we learnt and how we are going to take forward the issues, ideas and priorities that emerged.  

This has spurred us on to reanimate our ‘Voice of the Woodlands’ YouTube channel where we’re busy uploading extracts from the Gathering

First sites announced for National Forest “Among very best woodland in Wales”
Fantastic that Coed y Bont and Spirit of Llynfi Woodland community woodlands have been chosen to be part of the National Forest. There will be more opportunities to get involved, and to quote Iolo Williams “…this will be our National Forest – I would encourage all those with an interest to get involved and be a part of its creation as the project progresses.”

Coed Blaenwern
Coed Cadw are inviting the local community to adopt a wood on the outskirts of Lampeter: an opportunity for a community woodland group to manage their own woodland for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Nodyn Cynghori – Gweithio gyda Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol a Rheolaeth Gynaliadwy o Adnoddau Naturiol.

Mae Nodyn Cynghori diweddaraf Llais y Goedwig wedi’i ysgrifennu i helpu grwpiau i gael dealltwriaeth well o nodau Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol ac egwyddorion Rheolaeth Gynaliadwy o Adnoddau Naturiol. Mae’n awgrymu ffyrdd y gallwch eu hymgorffori mewn cynllun rheoli y gallwch ei ddefnyddio i gyflwyno gweithgareddau eich grŵp, ac wrth wneud cais am gyllid.

Advisory Note – Working with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources.

The latest Llais y Goedwig Advisory Note has been written to help groups better understand the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act goals and the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources principles. It suggests ways that you can incorporate them into a management plan which you can use to deliver your group’s activities, and when applying for funding.  

Y mis hwn mae gennym ddau flog gwych i chi eu darllen, felly gwnewch baned ac eisteddwch ar bwys y tân ar gyfer:

  • ‘Adeiladu gweithdy pren crwn’ gyda Coppicewood College a Cara Wilson
  • ‘Eich Canllaw ar Gasglu Hadau Coed’ gyda’r prosiect Dewis Gwyllt.

This month we have two fantastic blogs to read, so grab a cuppa and settle down by the fire for:

  • ‘Building a roundwood workshop’ with Coppicewood College and Cara Wilson
  • ‘Your Guide to Collecting Tree Seeds’ with the Dewis Gwyllt project. 

Cymunedau’n Creu Nadolig
Gwahoddir chi gan Allan Shepherd o Rwydwaith Tai a Arweinir gan y Gymuned Cymru i fynychu eu digwyddiad rhwydweithio Cymunedau’n Creu Nadolig ar 17 Rhagfyr. Fel rhan o’r dathliadau, dewch ag anrheg ddigidol i’w rhannu gyda’r rhwydwaith. Rysáit, darn o gyngor, gem i chwarae, cerddoriaeth neu gan, polisi neu syniad sydd wedi helpu symud eich prosiect tai ymlaen neu wedi gwneud eich bywyd yn haws.

Crefftau Prysgwydd gyda Woodland Skills Centre
Dydd Sadwrn 16 – Dydd Sul 17 Ionawr 2021
Gwehyddu a rheoli helyg, arolygon cynefinoedd a mwy! Cynlluniwch eich rhaglen hyfforddiant 2021 gydag amrywiaeth o gyrsiau yn Fferm Denmark
Rheoli prosiect
25, 28 Ionawr ac 1 Chwefror 2021
Mae’r cwrs hwn i unrhyw un sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros ddatblygu a rheoli prosiectau fel rhan o’i waith bob dydd.

Communities Creating Christmas
The Allan Shepherd from the Wales Community-Led Housing Network extends you a very cordial invitation to attend their Communities Creating Christmas network event on December 17th. As part of the festivities please bring a digital gift to share with the network. A recipe, a piece of advice, a game to play, music or song, a policy or an idea that has made your housing group progress or your life better. 

Coppice Crafts with the Woodland Skills Centre
Saturday 16th – Sunday 17th January 2021

Willow weaving and management, habitat surveys and more! Plan your 2021 training programme with a range of courses at Denmark Farm

Project management
25, 28 January & 1 February 2021
This course is for anybody who has responsibility for developing and managing projects as part of their everyday work.

Darllenwch am ragor o waith gollwng sudd o fedwen a phrosesu gydag ychydig o gyllid newydd yr ydym wedi llwyddo ei gael drwy raglen Partneriaethau Arloesi Ewrop a reolir gan Cyswllt Ffermio.
Gwyliwch recordiad o’r cyflwyniad yn seiliedig ar hyn yn y Cyfarfod.

Read about further work on birch tapping and processing with some new funding we’ve been able to access through the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) programme managed by Farming Connect. 

Watch a recording of the presentation about this from the Gathering. 

Copyright © 2020 Llais y Goedwig All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unit 1
Dyfi Eco Parc
SY20 8AX




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