My Tree Our
My Tree Our Forest
A tree for every household in Wales
My Tree Our Forest was the Welsh Government and Woodland Trust Initiative to allow households in Wales to collect or receive a free tree or have a tree planted on their behalf and was part of the National Forest for Wales Programme.
Llais y Goedwig was the community partner for the initiative and helped to coordinate and support the Tree Giveaway Hubs and Plant a Tree For Me strands between March 2022 and April 2023.
The Tree Giveaway Hubs were the cornerstone of the My Tree Our Forest project, looking to engage the public in tree planting right on their doorsteps – making sure the National Forest for Wales starts in everyone’s back garden!
Trees were given away from a network of 52 Community Hubs and at a further 18 events and partner locations across Wales.
In total 34,343 trees were given away via hubs to households across Wales.
The Plant a Tree for Me (PAT4Me) strand of the My Tree, Our Forest Project has enabled households that do not have access to their own tree-planting space or land to have a tree planted on their behalf.
We engaged with 159 landowners to plant 255,657 trees.